Fall 2024
Limited Release Sweepstakes
How will Alabama’s 2024 Limited Release Sweepstakes work?
The Alabama ABC will hold a Sweepstakes to determine the top 150 places in line at a Limited Release event. The event in question will be held at eight ABC Select Spirits Stores. The event will take place on Saturday, December 14, 2024. Winners will be assigned a designated time to arrive, register, line up and enter the store based on their awarded position. For a full list of Sweepstakes winners assigned time slots, click here. At the assigned time participants will be able to register on the property. A winner’s registration tent will be on site. The first 30 Sweepstakes winners will be allowed to begin registration at 8:00 AM CST. No participant will be allowed on the property prior to their assigned time slot. All winners not in checked in and in line at their assigned time, will forfeit their position in line. The store will open for business at 9:00 AM CST.
All current residents of Alabama of legal drinking age (21) wishing to enter the Fall 2024 Limited Release Sweepstakes will need to visit our website and complete the registration form. Your name and address information MUST match your Alabama State issued ID or Alabama driver's license exactly. Should you win a place in line at our event and the name on your ID does not match the entry exactly, you will forfeit your place in line - there are no exceptions. All active military that are stationed in Alabama and can provide proof of residency are welcome to enter the Sweepstakes. The entry website will open at 8:00 AM CST on October 7, 2024 and will close at 11:59 PM CST on October 27, 2024. All Limited Release Sweepstakes participants will receive notification and status updates by October 29, 2024. If you are awarded a place in line, the notification will inform you of your time slot and your position in line. Your notification will arrive via email and text.
Winning the Alabama ABC Select Spirits 2024 Limited Release Sweepstakes WILL NOT guarantee any specific product. It WILL guarantee you a position in line at our store on the day of the event. No need to camp out for three days. In fact, no one will be allowed on the property before 8:00 AM CST on the day of the event. Our Sweepstakes program will randomly select names to secure a position in the line that will form at 8:45 AM CST (first 30 Sweepstakes winners) the day of the event. The first name chosen by our random selection Sweepstakes program will be awarded position number 1 in the line at the venue. The second name will be awarded position number 2 and so on until all 150 guaranteed positions are awarded. Participants are reminded that the event strictly prohibits the consumption of alcohol or the use of drugs on the premises, ensuring a safe and orderly environment for all attendees.
At 8:00 AM CST on December 14, 2024, the store will welcome any person of legal drinking age (21) that does not have a guaranteed position in line to participate in the walk-up line. A separate walk-up tent will be on each property. The participants in this line will be assigned timed slots in groups of 30. These groups will be allowed on the property at the assigned time and asked to line up. They will enter the store in the order in which they arrived AFTER the Sweepstakes winners have entered. For a full list of assigned walk-up time slots, click here.
A valid State issued Alabama ID or Alabama driver’s license that matches the entry EXACTLY must be presented to take the awarded position. Active Duty Military stationed at an Alabama base with proof of residency will also be accepted. Absolutely no exceptions and no substitutes will be allowed. The person standing in line MUST be the person that entered and won the Sweepstakes. The name on the ID and the name on the entry sheet must match exactly. All Sweepstakes winners and walk-up participants NOT present and in line at their assigned time will be disqualified and the line will adjust to absorb the missing participant’s position in line.
Once inside the venue, each participant will be able to choose items as detailed below:
Table 1 - 1 bottle from Table 1 - (1 item total) - (these are the most highly allocated products)
Table 2 - 2 bottles from Table 2 - (2 items total - must be 2 different items) - (these are the second most highly allocated products)
Table 3 - Choose as many different items as you would like on this table, but you are limited to 1 bottle per item.
Table 4 - Choose as many different items as you would like on this table, but you are limited to 2 bottles per item.