The main focus of the Licensing and Compliance Division is to promote temperance and prevent the use of alcohol and tobacco by minors. Administrative regulation is very important and assists in maintaining a fair and equal playing field for all of the businesses that we regulate, regardless of size. The Division issues licenses and/or permits for all locations in the state that sell alcoholic beverages or tobacco products. ABC Licensing and Compliance Inspectors regulate and investigate ABC licensed and permitted locations throughout the state. Licensees are educated on Title 28, Code of Alabama 1975, and ABC Rules and Regulations at the time of application and/or inspections. All advertisements related to alcohol must be submitted to this division for approval prior to dissemination. Beer and wine labels are submitted to this division for approval prior to shipment into the State of Alabama. The ABC Board Licensing and Compliance Division meets with local governing authorities, law enforcement, attorneys, prosecutors, etc. to discuss alcohol laws, regulations, licensing criteria and to help tailor licensure to their needs. This division is responsible for ABC Commission Hearings which afford licensees/permittees and applicants due process in regard to certain license application denials, citations, and any other matter deemed appropriate.